Escape to the country

Rebecca S

While remote hearings and working from home started as a response to the Covid pandemic it is clear that neither will become a distant memory as we move forward.

In 2020 many family lawyers predicted that there will be a reduced domination of London as the English centre for divorce legal work. As more firms outside the capital become specialist and the central family court devolves more work to the regions, it can be seen that this is certainly the case.

Family lawyers across the country have proven over the last two years that it is possible to work efficiently from home, to work paperless and for meetings with clients, barristers or other professionals to take place virtually.

More and more court hearings are being conducted remotely by video link and for procedural hearings which are aimed at getting actions planned and timetabled, video lends itself well which in turn saves time and costs.

Clients are also noticing that they can secure “London Quality” solicitors and receive the same high level of service at a fraction of the cost in the country. Many are taking advantage of the new world where remote working means that the geographical location of their solicitor is less relevant.

For those who live locally to one of our offices you can get quality advice in person without having to travel to a regional city.

At Mogers Drewett our family team are ranked Band 1 in Chambers – the prestigious guide to lawyers alongside the regional heavyweights. We have a proven history of dealing with complex cases and experience of delivering the highest calibre of advice without the big city price.

If you are considering getting divorced, please get in touch with Rebecca today by calling 01225 750000 or email we are here to help.

Mogers Drewett

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