FAQs – Can I vary my financial order?
When a financial agreement is reached during the divorce process, it is based…
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) update for Mogers Drewett clients
In light of the uncertainty we all face with the outbreak of COVID-19…
FAQs – What might happen to the family farm if…
The breakdown of a relationship can be an upsetting and difficult time for…
FAQs – How do I protect my business in a…
As well as being a stressful time, a marital breakdown can have an…
Plant Based Discrimination – One year on
On the 3rd January 2020, the Norwich employment tribunal ruled that ethical veganism…
FAQs About Litigation and Dispute Resolution: My parent has left…
Unfortunately, it is more common than you might expect for children to be…
FAQs about Litigation and Dispute Resolution: I am concerned about…
The number of contested Wills and disputes about mental capacity is set to…
Cohabitation Nation: Cohabitation Agreements
The concept of a ‘common law spouse’ is not recognised under English Law.…
Cohabitation Nation: financial provision for children when cohabiting parents separate
The concept of a ‘common law spouse’ is not recognised under English Law.…
Cohabitation Nation: Does cohabitation affect children’s rights and Parental Responsibility?
The concept of a ‘common law spouse’ is not recognised under English Law.…
Cohabitation Nation – Rights of a cohabitee versus a married…
The concept of a ‘common law spouse’ is not recognised under English Law.…
Cohabitation Nation – FAQs about Cohabitation
The concept of a ‘common law spouse’ is not recognised under English Law.…